HDR41 - Re-Enrolment Form

For Research Degree Candidates

To be compelted annually by each HDR Candidate


  • All relevant answers must be completed. 

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.

  • Once you press submit your form will be sent to the Research Degrees Office for processing

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the HDR Support Officer by phone at +61 8 8946 7289  or by email at research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1: Personal Details

Please include 6-digit number only - no S

Unique Student Idetnifier ( USI) :

This is compulsory for all students. Your enrolment cannot be actioned without it.

Applying for a USI is fast and free, and you keep the same USI for life. You can   Get your USI | Unique Student Identifier in as little as five minutes on the USI website.

if you already have a USI you can easly Locate your USI at   Find your USI | Unique Student Identifier.

If you are an International student and are studying offshore (with no student visa) please write   International  in the USI box below

If you are an International student and waiting for your student visa, please make sure to apply for USI as soon as you arrive in Australia and forward it to Research.Degrees@cdu.edu.au.

Semester Address

International Students:

  • If you are residing in Australia, this should be your Australian address.

  • If you do not have a student visa and are not living in Australia, please advise your overseas address.

Postal Address
Home Address

**International students - please enter your overseas home address here

Contact Details
Please include a non cdu.edu.au email address here and if you provide a work address (non cdu) - please ensure to update Office of Research and Innovation if you leave your workplace.
Emergency Contacts

Section 2: Couse Details

Please note: 

  • Students must enrol for the whole year (unless semester 1 is the final semester of study)

  • International student visa holders typically cannot enrol externally or part time. 

  • Students on citizenship code 5 can enrol as external or part time.

If you ticked yes, please also complete a HDR51 - Request to Change Enrolment Status (snapforms.com.au)

Section 3: Supervisor Panel details

Please list your supervsiory panel below.

Section 4: Statistical Information

The Australian Government Department of Education requires this information to be collected for statistical purposes.

The University must have a certified copy of your current visa documentation. Please help us to process your enrolment by providing a certified copy of your current visa as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

Section 5: Documents of Evidence

Documentary Evidence – must be provided if you:

  • Changed your name (documentary proof is required – driver’s licence, marriage certificate, passport or statutory declaration) 

  • Became a permanent resident (documentary proof is required – passport or permanent residency documentation – document must state the month and year residency was granted)

  • Became an Australian Citizen – (documentary proof is required)


Section 6: Declaration and Signature

Please read the declaration, and if in agreement then sign and date the form


Charles Darwin University (“ CDU”) is committed to protecting the privacy of every individual and handling personal information in an appropriate way. Personal information is defined under the Privacy Act1988(Cth) to mean information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. Types of personal information include sensitive information (racial or ethnic orientation, political opinion, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, criminal record, etc.), health information (which is also sensitive information), credit information, employee record information and tax file number information (“personal information”).

For information on how CDU will manage your personal information and how we will use that information please see our Privacy Notice at cdu-privacy-notice.pdf and our GDPR Privacy Notice at Microsoft Word - cdu-gdpr-notice.docx; as well as our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy at https://policies.cdu.edu.au/view-current.php?.

For further information on privacy at CDU, please contact  privacy@cdu.edu.au


Enrolment and Fees

1. I declare that I have read the instructions for completing my enrolment and that the information I have provided in connection with this enrolment is true and complete.

2. I will promptly notify CDU of any change to my personal details and acknowledge that a failure to do so will not be an accepted reason for failing to respond to correspondence from CDU.

3. I accept that CDU will contact me via email, SMS and/or phone throughout the duration of my study and after I leave CDU for a variety of purposes.

4. I acknowledge that I must ensure that my enrolment and withdrawal is correctly managed in line with CDU policy.

5. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to enrol correctly and that I must only enrol in units that comply with the requirements of my course. I have also read the recommended study plan for my course, which can be found at   Course Catalogue  .

6. I agree to meet all enrolment deadlines and make payment of all fees arising from this enrolment by their due date. I understand that I must accept the consequences of not meeting these due dates in accordance with instructions either published by CDU or sent to me in any correspondence from CDU relating to my enrolment.

7. I acknowledge that, unless I withdraw from a unit prior to the census date, I will be liable for the relevant tuition fee or student contribution amount, student services and amenities fees, and any other fees or charges applicable to my enrolment.

8. I agree to provide my Australian Government issued Unique Student Identifier (USI) within the required timeframe (if applicable).

9. I authorise CDU to transfer my enrolment to the newest course version  at the next available enrolment period, where a course has been replaced and when there is not credit disadvantage to me. I understand that CDU will advise me of this in writing prior to any course changes.

CDU Rules

10. I agree to be bound by CDU’s policies and procedures.

11. I agree to act in accordance with the lawful instructions of the officers of CDU.

Communication and Notices

12. I acknowledge that CDU correspondence, including formal notices and other communications, may be issued to me electronically and/or via my CDU email account and I agree to check these announcements and CDU emails on a regular basis.

Marketing/Promotional Material

13. I acknowledge that I may be photographed, recorded and/or filmed while I am enrolled at CDU. I hereby consent to the use of any photographs, films, videos and audio recordings of my appearance for promotional, commercial and marketing purposes on any present or future media or means known or unknown by CDU. CDU will, wherever possible have regard to my cultural, family and personal sensitivities. I also acknowledge that I may cancel this consent at any time by contacting   student.central@cdu.edu.au

Information Sharing

14. I acknowledge that CDU may share my personal information with third parties when they have a valid reason to do so, for example:

  • agents or appointed representatives;

  • partnered universities or organisations;

  • regulators which may include Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Information Commissioner NT, and the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE); as well as other regulators and law enforcement agencies in Australia and around the world;

  • solicitors (who may be legal representatives for you, CDU, or a third party) and other professional services firms (including CDU’s auditors); and

  • CDU’s insurers who work with CDU to help manage the insurance claims process.

15. I acknowledge that CDU may also make my personal information available to their controlled and associated entities and service providers who assist CDU in providing services to me.

Academic Integrity

16. I agree to maintain the highest ethical standards of academic integrity. CDU’s Student Academic Integrity Policy can be viewed at   Student Academic Integrity Policy / Governance Document Library  .

17. I acknowledge that I have a responsibility to appropriately acknowledge the contribution of others in all academic work I complete.

18. I recognise that plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fraud, fabrication or falsification of data are not acceptable.

CDU Alumni

19. I acknowledge that upon completion of my course, my CDU student account and associated email address will become a CDU Alumni account and email address. CDU will continue to contact me as an Alumni of CDU post-graduation and I understand that I can opt-out from an Alumni account at any time by contacting   alumni@cdu.edu.au.
