HDR51 - Request to Change Enrolment Status

For Research Degree Candidates

Before completing this form, please refer to Section 4 - Time Commitments of the HDR Policy to ensure you are meeting your required time commitments.


  • All relevant answers must be completed. Depending on your response to a given answer, additional information may be required. You will be unable to continue until the required answers have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.

  • Once you have completed your section press 'submit'at the bottom of the page

  • Once you press submit you will not be able to change your answers.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Candidate completes Section 1 - submits to Principal Supervisor

  2. Principal Supervisor completes Section 2 - submits to Faculty / School administration office

  3. Faculty / School administration office completes section 3 – submits to Faculty / School Delegate

  4. Faculty / School Delegate completes section 4 – submits to Research Degrees Office

  5. Research Degrees Office completes section 5 – submits to Dean of Graduate Studies

  6. Dean of Graduate Studies completes section 6 – submits to Research Degrees Office

  7. Research Office to process request and advise Candidate by email.

A copy of the form will be sent to the candidate once the principal supervisor has endorsed.

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Candidate Progression Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946 7289 or by email at  research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1a: Details of the Candidate

Section 1b: Change to enrolment request

  *International students on a student visa are generally not permitted to enrol part-time unless there are compelling circumstances

Section 1c: Reason for requesting a change of enrolment status

Please provide in detail your reason for request to change enrolment status. If you upload a medical certificate, you are not required to provide any more detail. If you don't have a medical certificate, and your reason is personal and you do not wish to disclose in writing here, please request a support email/ stat dec from your supervisor or ADR stating, they have discussed your case and support the request on that basis and upload the document / email to this form.

Section 1d: Stipend Payments

Please note: To receive the RTP stipend before confirmation of candidature, candidates must be enrolled full time. After their candidature is confirmed, the Dean of Graduate Studies can, in exceptional circumstances, approve requests from candidates to enrol part time and receive half the stipend. When competing your application please provide enough information/documentation for the DGS to assess your edibility to receive a half stipend. If you are unsure of what to provide please contact us at research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Please be advised: Changing to part-time due to employment is not a valid reason to allow you to continue receiving stipend payment. Your scholarships will therefore be suspended.

Please submit justification to your request if you feel you should be allowed to receive your stipend part-time due to work commitments.

Please also note, if you change your candidature back to full-time your stipend can be reinstated, if you have not passed the end date of your stipend. However, this suspension does not get added to your current stipend end date and your original expiry date remains unchanged.


Section 1e: Candidate Signature


If you are ready to submit, please select the  submit button below.

This form will then be sent to your principal supervisor to request their endorsement.

Once you have selected "submit" you are no longer able to go back and change your answers.

You will be notified of the outcome, from the research office, once all endorsements have been received.

Section 2: Endorsement from Principal Supervisor


Please select the applicable email address from the dropdown box below. 

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant HDR Administrator who will review and  request the delegates endorsement.

Section 3: Faculty / School Administration

Please complete the applicable email address below. 

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant HDR delegate for their endorsment.

Section 4: Faculty /School Endorsement


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to Research Degrees for the Dean of Graduate to endorse.

The student will be advised of the outcome once all endorsements have been received.

Section 5: Candidate Progression Coordinator

This student is a scholarship holder - please advise scholarship coordinator

If DGS is unable to endorse form, please choose alternative email address.

Section 6: Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegates Endorsement
