HDR30 - Intention to Submit


To be completed by the Candidate, 3 months prior to their intended submission date.

Note for Supervisors: 

An intention to submit form gives supervisors an indication of a student’s intentions and prompts supervisors to commence the nomination of examiners process. The form also lists examiners that your student does NOT want you to recommend.

Your student should submit an Intention to Submit form at least three months prior to their expected submission date. However, it can be done as soon as they are confident in their intended submission timeline.

Please review the intention to submit form and if necessary, have any discussions with your student about their candidature. Please then fill in the  HDR - Recommendation of Examiners Form (snapforms.com.au) to commence this process.


  • All relevant answers must be completed. 

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Candidate to complete section 1-5. Then submit the form, the form will be sent to your principal supervisor

  2. Your principal supervisor is then required to complete section 6 and submit to HDRexams

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Examination Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946  or by email at hdrexams@cdu.edu.au

Section 1: Details of the Candidate

Please enter only the 6-digits of your student number

Section 2: Thesis submission details

Note: If your intention to submit date is past your maximum submission date by more than a few weeks, please also request an extension on your candidature. 

Form:  HDR36 – Candidature and Stipend Extension & Funding Support Application (snapforms.com.au)

Section 3: Examiners

Students are not permitted to nominate or know the examiners of their thesis. However, a student has a right to inform their supervisor of any persons they  DO NOT want to examine their thesis.  Refer to the HDR Supervision and Examination information at CDU.

Section 4: Internship / Employment

Section 5: Candidate Signature


Once signed, press submit and a notification will be sent to your supervisor to initiate the nomination of examiners process.

Section 6: Endorsement from Principal Supervisor


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to hdrexams@cdu.edu.au

Please then complete and submit the  HDR - Recommendation of Examiners Form (snapforms.com.au)