HDR25 – Recommendation of Examiners

Principal supervisors need to contact and specify at least 2 experts to examine a thesis.


  • All relevant answers must be completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Principal Supervisor to complete form, then  submit the form to the Faculty/ School Administration

  2. Faculty / School Administration will review, then submit the form to the delegate for endorsement

  3. Delegate to endorse, then submit to Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegatefor endorsement

  4. Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegate to endorse, then submit to research office ( HDR Exams)  for processing

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the HDR Examination Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946 or by email at  HDRexams@cdu.edu.au

Who can examine a thesis

Principal supervisors must ensure that

  • all examiners have attained a degree that is at least equivalent to the candidate they are examining—or, in rare circumstances, have published work that evidently fulfils this criterion

  • all examiners have attained a track record of research or scholarship in a field that overlaps with the thesis

  • all examiners are active in research or scholarship at this time

  • for PhD candidates, at least one of the examiners lives outside Australia—unless the principal researcher can argue that only Australian academics would be interested in this thesis

  • all examiners have formally accepted the invitation to examine

  • none of the examiners could be biased by a conflict of interest.

For example, examiners might be biased by a conflict of interest if they had

  • worked at CDU during the time the thesis was completed

  • published with the supervisor in the last five years

  • developed a close relationship or friendship with the candidate or supervisors

Section 1: Details of the Candidate

Section 2: Examiners

Please enter the details of the proposed examiners in the following boxes. 

In addition, you must attach a CV of each examiner—or at least a list of academic positions and relevant publications.

Note: If you have published with the examiner in the last 5 years, if they worked at CDU during the student's candidature or have a close relationship with the supervisor or student, or if there are other conflicts of interest, they will NOT be approved as an examiner. 

Details of Examiner 1

You may refer to how the expertise of this examiner overlaps with the contents of this thesis as well as experience of this person

Details of Examiner 2

You may refer to how the expertise of this examiner overlaps with the contents of this thesis as well as experience of this person

Details of Reserve - Optional

You may refer to how the expertise of this examiner overlaps with the contents of this thesis as well as experience of this person

Section 3: Declaration by principal supervisor

The candidate has been informed that they can contact HDRExams@cdu.edu.au to indicate people who may be inappropriate examiners


Please select the Faculty / School administration office email address, then press submit.

The Faculty / School administration office will then submit to the delegate for endorsement.

Section 4: Faculty / School Administration

Section 5: Faculty / School Delegate Endorsement


Please select DGS or Delegates email from the drop-down box below, then press submit. 

  • Professor Steven Greenland - Dean of Graduate Studies

  • Professor Steve Rogers - Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Research and Innovation (please only select if the DGS is on the supervisory panel)

Section 6: Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegate Endorsement
