Charles Darwin University Human Research Ethics Application Form

The University is committed to upholding the highest standards of research conduct and integrity and minimizing harm to participants, researchers, third parties and the University. This ethics application gives you the opportunity to present your finalised research plans precisely, clearly and concisely. The methodology and methods of your research, your oversight of its conduct and the requirements of any third party involvement needs to be complete and correct to avoid delay. Higher Degree Research applications will be reviewed only after Confirmation of Candidature is granted.

As an accountable and responsible researcher, you are required to meet all obligations under the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 and any other relevant legislation or guidelines. Retrospective ethics approval will not be granted.

First Nations Research

Where the primary focus of the project is within the scope of First Nation research, it is essential that Section 13 of this form is completed. Applicants should also refer to the following policies and guides:

It is requested that First Nations research ethics proposals are accompanied by a completed and signed research agreement (or a reasonable equivalent) with an appropriate organisational head, community group leader, Elder or advisory group. For more information on research agreements, applicants should refer to CDU’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Agreement (ATSIRA) template


Some research projects that utilise existing, publicly available non-identifiable data and which are of lower risk and do not involve special groups of participants  e.g. cognitive impairment, mental illness, First Nations (including possible impact), dependent on medical care, illegal activity, pregnant mother or foetus or dependent/unequal status (often children),may be eligible for exemption as per Chapter 5.1 of the National Statement. A letter of Exemption can also be sought from the CDU-HREC where required.

To apply for written confirmation of an exemption, please review the National Statement 2023 and complete the Application for Exemption form.  The decision as to whether to grant an exemption from review for a research projectis the responsibility of the institution — it is not the responsibility of the researcher (NS 2023). If an exepmtion is granted, you will receive formal letter of exemption. If it is determined that the research activity is not exempt from review, then you will be required to complete this Application Form.

Prior HREC Review (Reciprocal approval)

To apply for CDU approval for a protocol with prior approval by another NHMRC registered human research ethics committee (HREC), please complete the Charles Darwin University Human Research Reciprocal Application Form.

Protocols requiring ethical approval by the NT Department of Health and Menzies School of Health Research HREC should be first submitted to that ethics committee on their approved form, and then submitted to CDU as a Reciprocal Proposal.

Submission of Application

Read the full text of all questions. Respond concisely to all applicable sections, using clear language suited to be understood by an informed critical layperson. Prepare your Information for Participants and Informed Consent Forms as attachments. Be sure to proofread carefully and complete the checklist before submitting.

Review Pathways

Executive Review:

Projects that pose only a lower risk as described in the updated National Statement 2023 (formerly known as negligible risk), i.e., no more than an inconvenience, and that do not involve any procedures or participants that require full CDU-HREC approval, may be eligible for consideration under the Executive Review Pathway.

Under the Executive Review Pathway, projects are reviewed by the Chair of the CDU-HREC, rather than the full CDU-HREC.

Such proposals can be submitted at any time independent of the advertised submission deadlines, using the same form and process indicated below.

NB: Please be aware, if the project is deemed to be higher risk, you will be notified and your submission will be reviewed at the next available CDU-HREC meeting.

NB: Please be aware that the  National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 contains updates to Chapter 2.1 'Risk and benefit'. Please also the the FAQs relating to these changes, which may affect whether your application will be considered Lower Risk.

Committee review

Projects posing a higher risk OR that involve research categories requiring full HREC review as specified in the National Statement 2023 will be reviewed by the full CDU-HREC.

Submission deadlines and meeting dates are listed hereLate submissions will be forwarded to the next scheduled CDU-HREC review.

The same ethics proposal form is used for both the Executive and Committee review pathways.

All ethics applications require review and authorisation by the appropriate Faculty Dean/Fauclty Associate Dean of Research (ADR)/Institute Director or deputy. Where the appropriate authorising officer is also a member of the research team this authorisation should be completed by the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary.

NB: To be considered at the next available HREC meeting, the complete proposal must be received on or before the submission date, as indicated on the CDU website. Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged automatically upon submission.

Further Queries

Should you have any queries regarding human research ethics, or difficulties using this form, please contact the CDU-HREC Ethics Team based within the Office of Research and Innovation by phone (08) 8946 6063 or email

NB: When submitting via lower risk, Executive Review pathway the HREC Chair will review the submission. If the review determines that the proposal should be reviewed by full HREC, the proposal will be referred to the next available HREC meeting.

Please see the below the risk table, updated in the National Statement 2023. We recommend reviewing the changes to Chapter 2.1 when indicating the pathway for review. 

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  • All relevant answers must be completed. Depending on your response to a given answer, additional information may be required. You will be unable to continue until the required answers have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be generated which can be emailed to you. This will allow you to return to complete the form. This will also allow you to share the form with others to complete certain parts of the form.

  • Please review the checklist at the end of this form carefully, to ensure the application is complete. This will assist with a more timely review.

  • Ensure that all supporting documentation is attached to the application. There is an option to attach documents at the end of this form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Section 16: Authorising Declaration : Please add the Project Title and email address of the Authorising Officer (College Dean or duly appointed agent). Complete the form and attach documents. Complete the remainder of the form and click 'submit'. This will be sent to the email address provided in Section 16 for the Authorising Officer to complete and sign.

  2. Once the Authorising Officer has signed, they must click 'submit'. This will create the next workflow.

  3. The final workflow will be sent to the Principal Investigator to complete the application checklist and  submit the completed application. 

Once the Principal Investigator clicks  submit  after all the above workflows are complete, the application will automatically be sent to in PDF format, along with all relevant attachments. 

A copy of the application will also be emailed to the PI listed on the application form.

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NB: Every item on this application requires completion. If it is not relevant then note as n/a (not applicable).  

Incomplete and carelessly presented applications will not be considered.

Principal Investigator

The Principal Investigator (PI) must be a suitably qualified Charles Darwin University honorary or substantive staff member with sufficient research experience and expertise that is relevant to this project. Correspondence about the application will be sent to the investigators listed in this section who are asked to distribute it to other researchers involved in the project. The PI for student projects is the primary research supervisor.


Please enter details of the student researcher

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Proposed commencement and completion dates of the project

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Section 1: Special Approval Notifications

NB: If you have answered YES, please complete the Charles Darwin University Reciprocal Application Form instead and include:

  • A copy of the original project application submitted to approving HRECs

  • Project clearance/approval from the approving HREC

  • Completing the brief CDU Reciprocal Application form.

  • All other correspondence, responses and support documents (if applicable).

If you have answered NO, provide sufficient information to allow the CDU-HREC to assess the research merit and integrity of the proposal, as outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018), hereafter known as NS, (Chapter 1.1 and 1.3) .

Please attach a brief, one-page abstract addressing the following: research question/aim/purpose, methodology, design, sample/population, setting, recruitment/sampling methods, data collection methods and analysis methods.

Alternatively, this information can be provided below.

If yes, once this application is approved you may submit proposals for particular research projects within the program as variation requests. Such requests may seek approval for changes such as additional student researchers, changes to the research location, minor adjustments to recruitment procedures.

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Section 2: Research Categories

Check all research categories relevant to this research proposal. At least one category should be marked for each grouping. For "Other" specify in fewer than 6 words.

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Section 3: Additional Members of the Research Team

If there are more than four additional members of the research team, please provide details as an attachment to the application.

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Section 4: Description of the Project

Section 5: Aims and significance of the project

Section 6: Research Setting

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Section 7: Research Methods

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Section 8: Participants







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Section 9: Benefits and Potential Risks

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Section 10: Informed Consent

* Waiver of consent: If you are seeking a Waiver of Consent, you must refer to the National Statement 2.3.9. Before deciding to waive the requirement for consent, an HREC or other review body must be satisfied that: 

a) involvement in the research carries no more than low risk to participants

b) the benefits from the research justify any risks of harm associated with not seeking consent

c) it is impracticable to obtain consent (for example, due to the quantity, age or accessibility of records)

d) there is no known or likely reason for thinking that participants would not have consented if they had been asked

e) there is sufficient protection of their privacy

f) there is an adequate plan to protect the confidentiality of data

g) in case the results have significance for the participants’ welfare there is, where practicable, a plan for making information arising from the research available to them (for example, via a disease-specific website or regional news media)

h) the possibility of commercial exploitation of derivatives of the data or tissue will not deprive the participants of any financial benefits to which they would be entitled i) the waiver is not prohibited by State, federal, or international law.

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Section 11: Privacy and Confidentiality

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Section 12: Data Storage

When deciding on storage and access systems, it’s crucial to consider how sensitive the data is. Unauthorised disclosure of sensitive information can cause serious damage to individuals and organisations, so mitigating that risk is critical to the data management planning process and to the ethical conduct of research.

Please see the data classification  guide

For further assistance or information regarding a DMP, please see here or contact the library at:

Please complete a Data Management Plan (DMP)  here  and attach with this application form. You can login using your CDU credentials to create a DMP.

When deciding on storage and access systems, it’s crucial to consider how sensitive the data is. Unauthorised disclosure of sensitive information can cause serious damage to individuals and organisations, so mitigating that risk is critical to the data management planning process and to the ethical conduct of research.

Please see the data classification guide

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Section 13: First Nation Research

First Nations research means research with First Nations Peoples, their lives, culture and their issues, not necessarily as participants or researchers within the study.

13a. If you have answered YES above, please ensure YES was selected at Section 1a, and include the Agreement with your application. 

Please complete the remainder of this section, which is based on the NHMRC Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities: Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders (hereafter known as Guidelines). See also the AIATSIS Code for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies.

Please outline the following:

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Section 14: Other Ethical Issues

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Section 15: Applicant Declarations

NB: Please be aware that The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 incorporates a revised Chapter 2.1. These changes are effective from 1 January 2024.

15b. Ethical considerations relative to specific categories of participants. In responding to the following questions, note that “involvement” does not occur solely because a person in the designated category might be recruited as a participant. The research should relate to persons or issues in the designated category.

We, the undersigned, confirm that all members of the research team have read this application and the current NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023. We accept responsibility for the ethical and appropriate conduct of the protocol detailed in this application, confirm that we will conduct this project in accordance with the principles contained in the National Statement, and confirm that the research team will comply with any other conditions laid down by Charles Darwin University.


Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Please Note: This form must be signed and submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI). If someone other than the PI is completing this form, in order to obtain the PI signature, click "save and complete later". This will generate a link to the form, which can be sent to the PI to access and sign.

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Section 16: Authorising Officer Declaration

This authorisation is to be completed by the Faculty Dean, or a duly appointed agent, where the research is to be based. Where the appropriate authorising officer is also a member of the research team this authorisation should be completed by the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary. 

Please provide the email address of the Authorising Officer. A workflow link will be sent directly to the recipient to complete this section when you hit 'submit'. 

( NB: Please note, that you must ' submit' the form, for it to be sent to Authorising Officer. The form will not be submitted to CDU ethics at this stage).

NB : The below is locked for editing by the person completing the application form, as this must be completed by the Authorising Officer.

**Please note , that you must attach all relevant supporting documents below and then  'submit' the form. 

This will  not submit the application to ethics at this stage. This will trigger a workflow and will send the application to email address of the Authorising Officer provided above to review and sign.

Once the Authorising Officer has signed and completed the below section, they must then click ' submit '. 

This will  not  submit to ethics at this stage either. 

When the Authorising Officer "submits" the application, it will trigger the final workflow to the Principal Investigator listed on the project to review, edit (if necessary) and submit to CDU ethics .

I have considered this application and the ethical implications of the proposed research and recommend it for consideration by the HREC. I confirm that the qualifications and experience of all investigators are appropriate to the study to be undertaken, and the necessary resources are available to enable this research to be conducted.

Scientific Merit



Research Safety



If applicable, please contact the PI to make the necessary changes to the application. Please indicate below that you do not authorise this project to proceed as there a need for additional review of the research safety.

NB: Once signed and completed, please click ' submit'. This will not submit the form to ethics at this stage. This will trigger the final workflow to the Principal Investigator listed on the project to review and submit to CDU ethics.

Application Checklist

(Please complete checklist prior to submission)

1. Information Sheet for Participants (ISP) and Consent Form

2. Application Form

3. HDR candidates

4. Research Team

5. First Nations Research

For example: 1) consultation is well underway, but the ATSIRA has yet to be finalised by all signatories. 2) The research involves First Nations people as participants who represent themselves as professionals, students, or another identifiable research cohort within a broad Australian locality, outside of an Indigenous community. and/or 3) The research is led by or co-designed with a First Nations researcher or collaborator, who is part of the community under study.

Section 15 - Applicant Declaration

Section 16 - Authorising Officer Declaration

NB: Please click 'submit' in order to submit the completed application to

Receipt of submission will be acknowledged when you select 'submit', after all workflows are complete.  The application form and any attachments will be sent automatically to

A copy of the complete application will also be sent to the email address provided for the Principal Investigator. 

NB:  Please ensure to check spam folders.

If you have selected 'negligible risk', your application will be reviewed though Executive Review and you should normally expect a response within 10 working days of the review date. If the review process assesses the application as higher than negligible risk, you will receive notification from the ethics teams and the proposal will be referred to the next available CDU-HREC meeting date.

Only complete applications received on or before the submission deadline will be reviewed at the next CDU-HREC meeting. Any incomplete submissions will receive correspondence from the ethics team, requesting any missing information.

Further Queries

Should you have any queries regarding human research ethics please contact the CDU-HREC Ethics Team based within the Office of Research and Innovation by phone (08) 8946 6063 or email

ATTACHMENTS: Supporting Documents

Please provide all additional attachments, if applicable, including:

  • Information Sheet for Participants

  • Informed Consent Form

  • Questionnaires

  • Interview Questions

  • ATSIRA for First Nation research applications 

  • Support letters 

  • Research protocol

  • Permits 

  • Ochre card (if the proposal involves participants under 18 years old)

  • Advertising materials (ie. flyers etc)


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