Some research projects that utilise existing,
publicly available
non-identifiable data and which are of negligible risk
and do not involve special groups of participants e.g. cognitive impairment, mental illness, First Nations (including possible impact), dependent on medical care, illegal activity, pregnant mother or foetus or dependent/unequal status (often children),may be eligible for exemption as per Chapter 5.1 of the National Statement. A letter of Exemption can also be sought from the CDU-HREC where required.
Submission of Application
Your proposal will be sent electronically via email to
ethics@cdu.edu.au. The submission will include the online form and any required attachments.
Review Pathway for Reciprocal Applications
Applications for exemption are reviewed through the Executive Review Pathway. They typically do not require full CDU-HREC review, therefore can be submitted at any time. The submission deadlines and meeting dates do not apply to Applications for Exemption. You can expect a response to your application within 10 days of submitting a
complete application.
All proposals require signatures from the relevant Faculty Dean/Institute Director or deputy.
Authorising Officer.
Where the appropriate authorising is also a member of the research team this authorisation should be completed by the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary.
Further Queries
Should you have any queries regarding human research ethics, or difficulties using this form, please contact the CDU-HREC Ethics Team based within the Office of Research and Innovation by phone (08) 8946 6063 or email