CDU is committed to recognising approvals by other registered ethics committees by means of reciprocal approvals.
It is University policy that all research involving human subjects must be approved and monitored by the CDU Human Research Ethics Committee. All CDU researchers (employees, honorary appointees or visitors) and research students must obtain approval from the CDU-HREC for research involving human subjects. CDU
ecognises approvals from other registered ethics committees through the pathway of Reciprocal Approval.
• If you are a CDU researcher or research student named on an application first approved by another ethics committee, you must also obtain CDU-HREC approval for your research. In most circumstances this can be provided as a reciprocal approval derived from the original approval.
• Some researchers and research students hold joint positions at CDU and another institution. You must always obtain CDU-HREC approval in this case, even if you hold a position at the institution providing the original approval. This may seem unnecessary, but CDU must have a record of your ethics approval in the event of a complaint or expression of concern and your best interests need to be considered.
• If a CDU HDR student joins a project approved at another institution, reciprocal approval must be sought and obtained immediately. This is particularly relevant when a CDU HDR student joins a project that has NT Department of Health and Menzies School of Health Reseasrch HREC approval, but which has not received reciprocal CDU-HREC approval.
Prior HREC Review
To apply for CDU approval for a protocol with prior approval by another NHMRC registered human research ethics committee (HREC), see the checklist on the following page.
Protocols requiring ethical approval by the NT Department of Health and Menzies School of Health Research HREC should be first submitted to that ethics committee on their approved form, and then submitted to CDU as a reciprocal application.
Your ethics proposal explains how the research can be conducted ethically and with minimal risks to participants. The University’s human research ethics approval procedures are designed to ensure that all students and staff, as well as the institution, are meeting all obligations under the
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) and any other relevant legislation or guidelines.
Charles Darwin University will not grant retrospective ethics approval. Higher Degree Research applications will be reviewed after Confirmation of Candidature is granted.
Submission of Application
Your proposal will be sent electronically via email to The submission will include the online form and any required attachments.
Review Pathway for Reciprocal Applications
Reciprocal Applications are reviewed through the Executive Review Pathway. They typically do not require full CDU-HREC review, therefore can be submitted at any time. The submission deadlines and meeting dates do not apply to Reciprocal Applications. You can expect a response to your application within 10 days of submitting a
complete application.
All ethics proposals require signatures from the relevant Faculty Dean/Institute Director or deputy.
Authorising Officer.
Where the appropriate authorising is also a member of the research team this authorisation should be completed by the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary.
Further Queries
Should you have any queries regarding human research ethics, or difficulties using this form, please contact the CDU-HREC Ethics Team based within the Office of Research and Innovation by phone (08) 8946 6063 or email