HDR24 - Interim Progress Report

The Interim Progress Report will require the submission of a document or series of documents that must include the following:

  • Thesis title

  • Indicative research, including a chapter or section of the thesis, that enables assessors to evaluate quality, scope and scale of the research

  • An iThenticate report must be presented, derived from this indicative research

  • An outline of the work completed since the CoC (If prior to COC - please include work completed since commencement of course instead)

  • A detailed written statement of the work to be completed in the next year, demonstrating backward mapping

  • Gannt Chart


Kindly note that this form contains two confidential questions. If your response is yes to either, your answers will be forwarded directly to the research office and escalated to the Dean of Graduate Studies (DGS).

If the DGS is on your supervisory panel, your response will instead be escalated to the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation (DVCRI).

Your supervisor will not have access to this information.

If you prefer not to share this on the form, feel free to reach out to the Candidate Progression Coordinator - research.degrees@cdu.edu.au or Dean of Graduate Studies DGS@cdu.edu.au.


  • All relevant answers must be completed. Depending on your response to a given answer, additional information may be required. You will be unable to continue until the required answers have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Candidate completes Section 1- submits to Principal Supervisor

  2. Principal Supervisor completes Section 2 - submits to Faculty / School administration office

  3. Faculty / School administration office completes section 3 – submits to Faculty / School Delegate

  4. Faculty / School Delegate completes section 4 – submits to Research Degrees Office

  5. Research Degrees Office completes section 5 – submits to Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegate

  6. Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegate completes section 6

  7. Research Degree office toprocess report

A copy of the form will be sent to the candidate once the principal supervisor has completed section 2 and endorsed.

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Candidate Progression Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946 7289 or by email at  research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1a: Details of the Candidate

Section 1b: Supervisory Panel Details

If you have recently updated your superivsor panel - please complete the  HDR11 - Change of Supervisory Panel (snapforms.com.au)

Associate Supervisors Details

Associate Supervsiors must be registered supervisors who are paid by CDU or Menzies—or who dedicate substantial time to CDU or Menzies.

Press  "Add Supervisor" for each separate Associate Supervisor

Other members of the supervisory panel

Specify end users or industry partners, academic advisors from other universities, and anyone else on your panel

Press "Add Advisor" for each separate Advisor

Section 1c: Documents to submit

Please uplaod a document or series of documents that must include the following:

  • Thesis title

  • Indicative research, including a chapter or section of the thesis, that enables assessors to evaluate quality, scope and scale of the research. This written submission should include approximately 10,000 words. This writing does not have to be a complete chapter or refereed article. It does not have to be a final draft. This writing exists for assessors to evaluate the academic integrity, research integrity, writing quality and referencing expertise of the candidate. This document is assessed to offer diagnostic support and support structures to the student.

  • An iThenticate report must be presented, derived from this indicative research. This report will be assessed by the supervisor and assessors.  Plagiarism Detection Software | iThenticate

  • An outline of the work completed since the CoC. Students must refer to the CoC report. Have these goals been accomplished? Why or why not? (If prior to COC - please include work completed since commencement of course instead)

  • A detailed written statement of the work to be completed in the next year, demonstrating backward mapping. A Gantt chart is available for your use here: Gantt Software | monday.com. The goal is to complete your PhD in three years, and your masters in two years. Focus attention on the work that is yet to be completed and the timetable to your completion.

File types permitted: doc, pdf

Having difficulty accessing IThenticate?

1. Visit   Plagiarism Detection Software | iThenticate

2. Choose "Forget Password."

3. Enter your student email, which is based on your student number (e.g., if your number is 107107, your email is s107101@students.cdu.edu.au).

4. Click submit.

Additionally, check your junk mail for the reset email. For further assistance, contact   research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1d: Additional questions

CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 1: Please be advised, your supervisors will have no visibility to this question or your response. If the Dean of Graduate Studies is on your panel, they will have no visibility to this question/answer.
CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 2: Please be advised, your supervisors will have no visibility to this question or your response. If the Dean of Graduate Studies is on your supervisor panel, your request for a confidential meeting will be escalated to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research & Innovation.

Section 1e: Candidate Signature


Please scroll to the bottom of the form and click  'submit', the form will then be sent to your Principal Supervisor

Section 2a: Supervisor evaluation

Section 2b - Intellectual Property

Intellectual property at CDU

Please note:

  • the candidate may need to assign their Intellectual Property to the University

  • the Office of Research and Innovation will organise this assignment of Intellectual Property to the University

Intellectual property at Menzies

Please note:

  • The candidate may need to assign their Intellectual Property to the Menzies School of Health 

  • The Menzies Business manager will organise this assignment of Intellectual Property to Menzies School of Health

Section 2c: Principal Supervisor Signature

Please select the applicable email address from the dropdown box below.

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant HDR Faculty Administrator who will request the Faculty/ Menzies delegates endorsement.

Section 3: Faculty / School Administration Review

Please tick the student has included each of the below required documents. 

If any documents are missing, please follow up with the candidate prior to submitting this form to the delegate


Please complete the applicable email address below. 

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant HDR delegate for review.

Section 4: Faculty /School Delegate Endorsement


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to Research Degrees.

The student will be sent a copy of this document once you have pressed submit.

Section 5 - HDR Candidate Progression Coordinator

If DGS is unable to endorse form, please choose alternative email address.

Section 6 - Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegates Endorsement
