HDR18 - Milestone Review & Annual Report - Final Year Review Milestone (FYR)

Mid and Final Year Review (FYR) Milestone will require submitting the following documents and completing an informal presentation to the supervisory panel offering a comprehensive overview of the research journey and current status. 

Formal presentations to a review panel will only be necessary if requested by the principal supervisor, or home faculty/school PVC/Director/delegate, or the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Documents to submit:

  • Draft thesis/Chapters to date, including iThenticate report ( iThenticate | Charles Darwin University (cdu.edu.au))

  • An outline of the work completed since your last Milestone Progress Report (MPR). Please refer to the last MPR report. Have these goals been accomplished? Why or why not? 

  • Detailed written statement of the work to be completed in the next year

  • Gannt Chart with backward mapping from your anticipated submission date

Note: the informal presentation needs to be completed before you submit this form.

If you are facing any issues, please feel free to reach out to our counseling team for support. You can contact them via the link below.

Counselling | Charles Darwin University (cdu.edu.au)

If you require a confidential meeting with the Dean of Graduate Studies, please send an email to the Research Degrees Team at research.degrees@cdu.edu.au , and they will arrange it for you.


  • All relevant questions must be completed. Additional information may be required depending on your answer. You will be unable to continue until the required response sections have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later,' a link will be emailed to you that enables you to return and complete the form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

Faculty of Arts and Society, Faculty of Science and Technology,  and  Faculty of Health workflow: 

  1. Candidate completes Section 1- and submits to the Principal Supervisor

  2. The Principal Supervisor completes Section 2 - and submits to the Faculty / School Delegate

  3. Faculty / School Delegate completes section 3 - and submits to  the Dean of Graduate Studies

  4. The Dean of Graduate Studies completes section 4– and submits to the Research Degrees Office

  5. Research Office to process and advise candidates by email.

A copy of the form will be sent to the Principal Supervisor once the Dean of Graduate has endorsed it. The Supervisor can then share the feedback with the student.

For queries about the process or difficulties using the form, please get in touch with the HDR Support Officer by phone at +61 8 8946 7289 or by email at research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1.1: Details of the Candidate

Section 1.2: Supervisory Panel Details

If you have recently updated your superivsor panel - please complete the  HDR11 - Change of Supervisory Panel (snapforms.com.au)

Associate Supervisors Details

Other members of the supervisory panel

Section 1.3: Written Statement & Gantt chart

The goal is to complete your PhD in three years full-time equivalent and your Masters in two years full-time equivalent. 

A Gantt chart is available here:  Gantt Software | monday.com

Please upload your


Section 1.4: Draft thesis and IThenticate report

Please run a similarity report in iThenticate of your draft thesis and any other piece of writing you are submitting as part of this milestone to check for potential plagiarism. 

Check each instance of similarity in the report with your supervisor to ensure all work is correctly attributed and edit if and as required to avoid any potential plagiarism. Then, generate a similarity report on the FINAL version of your draft thesis and any other pieces of writing submitted with this form, through iThenticate and upload it here. NOTE: the report should be filtered so exclude quotes and bibliography. If the similarity percentage is greater than 20% please discuss with your supervisor and adjust as required or provide a justification below. Visit our  iThenticate page for more information.


Section 1.5: Additional questions

Section 1.6: Signature


Please scroll to the bottom of the form and click  'submit.' the form will then be sent to your Principal Supervisor.

Section 2: Endorsement from Principal Supervisor

Section 2.1: Supervisor evaluation

Section 2.1A: Formal Presentation Panel

Before submitting this form, please ensure you have contacted each member and confirmed they are available to participate in the panel on your nominated day/ time.

If you are unsure about the presentation's day/time/ location details, please discuss with your student and Faculty/ Menzies administration staff before completing this form.

The presentation should be conducted online via Teams unless the principal supervisor arranges a face-to-face meeting

Section 2.3: Principal Supervisor Signature

Please enter the email address of your Faculty Associate Dean Research.

If the Associate Dean Research is part of the supervisory panel, please provide their delegate's email address instead.


Note: The recommendation is not final and remains subject to the endorsement of the Faculty and the Dean of Graduate Studies

Once you click 'Submit,' the form will be sent to the relevant faculty delegate.

Section 3: Faculty /School Endorsement

If you have any doubts, please contact DGS before you submit the form
Formal presentations to a review panel will only be necessary if requested by the principal supervisor, or home faculty/school PVC/Director or delegate, or the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Note: The recommendation is not final and remains subject to the endorsement of the Dean of Graduate Studies

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the Dean of Graduate Studies

Section 4: Dean of Graduate Studies or Delegates Endorsement

If the DGS does not agree with the ADR and requests a formal presentation, please provide details here