For Research Degree Candidates.
Total leave of absence granted during the period of candidature shall not exceed one year (excluding parental leave)
Please read the
HDR Policy, section 4 (22-31) for more information on leave entitlements.
Clause 22:
Candidates are entitled to up to ten days of sick leave annually. Candidates should not apply to the University for this leave but should notify their principal supervisor. Candidates may apply for further sick leave from their
home faculty
if they can provide medical certificates.
Clause 25: Candidates are encouraged to arrange 20 days of annual recreation leave if full time and 10 days of annual recreation leave if part time. This annual leave entitlement, however, does not affect the date at which the candidature expires. Candidates should not apply to the University for this leave but should notify their principal supervisor.
RTP scholarship recipents, please read the
HDR Scholarship policy, clause (24) for information on paid leave entitlements.
Please ensure to upload any documents to this form to support your request.