HDR15 - Confirmation of Candidature Reassessment

For the chair to complete this form  only if they are reassessing the Confirmation of Candidature. 


  • Panel chair to complete section 1 - 5, then  submit the form.

  • All relevant answers must be completed. You will be unable to continue until the required answers have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.


Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Once the chair submits the form, the form will be sent to the Faculty / School who will request endorsement from the delegate.

  2. Once the Faculty/School has endorsed, the form will be sent to Research Degrees for the endorsement from the Dean of Graduate Studies

A copy of the form will be sent to the Principal Supervisor once the Dean of Graduate has endorsed. The Supervisor can then share the feedback with the student.

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Candidate Progression Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946 7289 or by email at research.degrees@cdu.edu.au

Section 1: Details of the Candidate

Section 2: Assessment

To pass the confirmation of candidature, the panel need to be confident that 

  • the supervision panel can offer the requisite feedback on the discipline, the methodology, and the methods 

  • the candidate has developed capabilities that are essential to the project but hard to acquire, such as English grammar 

  • the candidate has been able to devote enough time to this project 

  • the project is potentially feasible within the timeline, budget, and ethical constraints 

  • the scope of this project is appropriate—roughly equivalent to 3 or 4 ordinary papers if a PhD and 1 to 2 ordinary papers if a Masters by Research

As a panel, decide whether the candidate and project demonstrates the following attributes.


Section 3: Outcome

Additional information for the options listed above


  • If applicable, suggest the candidate address any concerns that were raised in the future

Reject / Raise concerns

  • Usually applicable if you feel the candidate is unlikely to be able to address the concerns within 6 weeks full time or 12 weeks part time

  • Submit this form

  • The candidate will be asked to formulate a plan on how to address these concerns or show cause as to why they should not be discontinued


Section 4: Signature


Please select the applicable email address from the dropdown box below.

Once you click  'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant Faculty / School HDR Administrator who will request the delegates endorsement.

  • A copy of this form and any attachments will be emailed to you (the chair) and the candidate's principal supervisor.

  • The principal supervisor is then expected to discuss the feedback with the candidate.

List of Faculty / school and email address:

Faculty of Arts and Society


Faculty of Health


Faculty of Science and Technology


Menzies School of Health Research


Section 6: Faculty / School Administration


Please complete the applicable email address below. 

Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the relevant HDR delegate for review.

Section 7: Faculty /School Delegate Endorsement


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to Research Degrees for the Dean of Graduate to endorse.

The student will be advised of the outcome once all endorsements have been received.

Section 8: HDR Candidate Progression Coordinator

If DGS is unable to endorse form, please choose alternative email address.

Section 9: Dean of Graduate Studies Endorsement
