** International applicants, please contact CDU Global on or see the international  Apply for a Higher Degree by Research | Charles Darwin University ( webpage for details on how to apply **

NOTE: Applications for HDR admission may take up to a month to process. Applications received after 11 March 2025 may not be processed in time for a semester 1 2025 start. 

This  Higher Degree Research Candidature and Scholarship Application Form should be completed by potential domestic students wishing to apply for:

  • Higher Degree Research (HDR)  courses (Doctor of Philosophy; Masters by Research); and/or

  • HDR Stipend Scholarships

Please note Domestic candidates who apply and are accepted into a HDR course will receive a Domestic RTP Fee Offset.  Only Stipend Scholarships require a Scholarship application.

Please attach the following certified/notarised documents for your application to be processed:

  • Proof of Citizenship: A copy of your current passport, birth certificate or your residency visa.

  • Change of Name (if applicable): Documentary evidence of your change of name.

  • Previous Qualification Documentation: A copy of your official transcript(s) and certificate(s) for all previous tertiary study. Must include GPA and grading system.

  • Evidence of Supervision: Evidence that at least one CDU academic staff member has agreed to supervise your research, such as email communication with your proposed supervisor.

  • English Language Proficiency All CDU students must demonstrate English language proficiency through prior studies in English, approved English tests or other evidence as per the  English Language Proficiency Policy / Governance Document Library. An application for admission will not be accepted unless evidence of English language proficiency has been provided.

  • Research Outline: all applications must be accompanied by a brief research outline (1500-1700 words or 3-4 pages) on the proposed research project.  Your outline should include: project title; general field of research; proposed principal supervisor; brief description; ethical considerations; resource implications; field work requirements; and any other relevant issues to the research.

  • Referee Report: Please nominate two people on your application who can testify to your academic achievements. Please  contact your referees prior to lodging your application and request that they complete the HDR Referee Report form.

  • Curriculum Vitae: Please attach a copy of your current CV

  • Publication details: Please include links to digital copies of any publications or digital copies of publications and provide evidence of peer review if relevant

  • Other: Please attach any other relevant documentation to support your application (e.g. Portfoliosetc.)

  • **This form is only to be completed by Australian or New Zealand citizens or Permanent Residents. International applicants contact for how to apply or see our international webpage  Apply for a Higher Degree by Research | Charles Darwin University ( for how to apply**

  • All relevant answers must be completed. 

  • Ensure choose the correct application option: Candidature only; Candidature & Scholarship; or Scholarship only (for candidates who are currently enrolled or have already received an offer).

  • Please select "Candidature only" if you are applying for a PhD by Prior Publication.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link can be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form. 

  • Please review the checklist at the end of this form carefully to ensure the application is complete. This will assist with a more timely processing of your application.

  • Ensure that all supporting documentation outlined above is attached to the application. There is an option to attach documents at the end of this form.

  • Once you submit the application, the application form and all applicable attachments will automatically be sent to in PDF format. A copy of the application will also be emailed to your email address provided in the form.

Further Queries

For queries about the application process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Admissions and Scholarships Coordinator by phone +61 8 8946 6548 or email


If you do not have a CDU student ID then a certified copy of your passport will be required before admission can be confirmed.
A USI is an individual education number required by the Australian Government. Please visit to obtain your USI.
NOTE: If qualifications were gained in former name, certification of name change must be provided.

More Information on terminology please visit this site:  Australia's First Peoples 

If 'yes', please contact our Student Access and Inclusion Office to discuss support options.



Please select which CDU Campus you will be attending
If you will be studying off campus, please provide details of the research location
Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss projects with prospective supervisors before submitting their application.

Contact at least one proposed supervisor before you submit this application. To contact prospective supervisors, please visit our  Find a Supervisor page. Applications will not proceed without evidence of confirmation of supervision from any registered CDU supervisor.


Please attach an outline of your proposed research.  This proposal should comprise 1000 to 2000 words and

  • briefly review the literature to justify the research question and project

  • outline the methodology and methods that will be implemented

  • discuss the feasibility of this project, such as timelines, costs of resources, and ethical concerns

  • For transfer students - please include a section about the work and any milestones already completed and what is left to be done

  • include a list of references or bibliography


If you are currently studying, please provide the details as requested below:

If you want to transfer master or doctoral research candidature from another institution, please provide details as requested below, including any milestones you have already completed that relate to your proposed CDU HDR project:

Estimated FTE Days Consumed (to date)
Please indicate which milestone you have already completed that relate to the project you wish to transfer to CDU
If you are transferring an HDR project to CDU from another institution, please provide evidence of any milestones already completed. Without evidence that you have passed confirmation and other milestones, the DGS may require that you complete all milestones, including confirmation, within your remaining candidature.

If yes, please provide details as requested below:


5. English Language Proficiency

As per CDU's  English Language Proficiency Policy / Governance Document Library, all applicants must demonstrate English Language Proficiency for admission into an HDR course. Proficiency evidence must be provided at the time of applicant AND must be  current at the time of commencement. Delays in commencement may necessitate a reassessment of this requirement. 

Applicants can demonstrate English language proficiency using the following evidence:

  1. Approved English language test results

  2. Evidence of past studies in English from approved countries Evidence of successful completion of at least two years full-time equivalent (2.0 FTE), including an official testamur plus academic transcript/s and evidence of english as medium of instruction where required

Applicants who cannot demonstrate proficiency using the above methods should discuss with their proposed supervisors whether to complete an approved test or request an exception.

Include test scores, date test taken and date results are valid until
If you indicated that you have evidence of approved English test results please upload here
If you successfully completed studies from one of the countries on the EXTENDED list of countries, please upload evidence that the medium of instruction was English



Please note: Applications for Stipend Scholarships can only be submitted during the advertised application period . All applications outside the advertised application period will be assessed for candidature only. Applications for Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships have closed for 2025 and if you wish to apply for a RTP Scholarship then you will have to wait until the next advertised round. Please refer to the HDR Scholarship website for future scholarship availability.

If you are selecting 2026 RTP Scholarship your candidature commencement date needs to be in 2026.

If yes, please provide the below information:

If yes, please provide details:


To be eligible to enrol in a Higher Degree by Research, you must have successfully completed research activity at an Honours or postgraduate level.  Alternatively, you may have completed equivalent activities, such as published scholarly research.  To learn more about these criteria, read the  HDR Admissions Policy.

Previous Qualifications

Please click "add item" to include all qualifications. Please begin with your most recent qualification.

Degree of Qualification
Institution obtained degree
(e.g 1998-2000)
Language of Instruction
Enter your GPA as a fraction of the maximum GPA for you course
Please note that the key to grade is also required (which is often on the reverse side of transcript).

Include the grading system as required
If you have a copy of your dissertation you may want to include a copy here

Research Experience

In the following space, list the units or courses in which you completed research activities during an Honours or postgraduate degree, such as wrote a research proposal, collected data, analysed data, and wrote a thesis.  Also, list the units or courses in which you learned about qualitative or quantitative research methods, such as a unit about statistics.  Estimate the number of semesters of research activity you have completed after your Bachelor degree.  For example: supposed you completed an Honours or Graduate Diploma degree in one-year, full time, suppose that half this course was dedicated to a thesis, you would, therefore, have completed one semester of research activity.

Example – Master of Environmental Sciences
Statistical analysis for Biologists
Full-time equivalent (1 semester)

Employment History

If you have accrued other research experience that demonstrate your research capabilities, such as worked as a research assistant or lecturer, please outline this experience here and provide the following details on your CV: 

  • the years in which you undertook these roles and the approximate number of works each week;

  • the organizations in which undertook these roles; and

  • your main responsibilities, such as wrote grant applications or analysed data.

A letter from your employer can be included if it helps support your English Proficiency or your research experience

Research Outputs

In the first column of the following table, list outputs from research you have conducted either at university or in other settings.  List up to 6 of your best outputs.  Include:

  • scholarly journal articles

  • scholarly books

  • full conference papers

  • chapters in a research book

  • patents or computer software

  • major creative works, such as a novel, play, or movie

  • art exhibitions

In the second column, briefly describe your role, that is, the main activities you completed. 

Please provide a link to the evidence that your publication was peer-reviewed


Approx 500 words.



All applicants MUST have two referee reports.  The university will not request reports on your behalf.

  • Applicants for Doctoral and Master by Research candidature and/or Postgraduate Scholarship are required to nominate two Referees who are prepared to support their application(s). These Referees must be familiar with the applicant’s academic achievements and research background. It is recommended that one referee be the supervisor of your most recent tertiary program.

  • Please provide contact details of your referees on this application form.

  • You must also ask them to submit their written reports directly to the University via the  HDR Referee Report Form .


The University collects the information in this form to

  • ensure that enrolled students will receive the education, training, and facilities they need

  • administer schemes of financial or other assistance to enrolled students

  • compile or report statistics

  • fulfill other purposes

The University will not disclose the information you collect in this form to third parties except to other educational institutions or government bodies, as required or authorised by law or in accordance with our Privacy Policy.  You may obtain access to the information the University maintains about you by contacting the Privacy Officer on (08) 8946 6666.

I declare my responses in this form is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that providing false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).

I consent to

  • the University contacting the educational institutions I attended or other named individuals on this form to verify my answers

  • the University collecting, storing, and disclosing information I provided on this form to relevant authorities

I understand that Charles Darwin University reserves the right to vary or reverse any Offer of Admission based on incorrect or incomplete information.  Communicating false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth



Please complete the checklist below and ensure you  have supplied the required documentation:
