In accordance with the
Higher Degree by Research Policy, a student must sign a declaration that the thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text or footnotes. There are no exception to this rule.
a. Publications or significant sections of publications (whether accepted, submitted or in manuscript form) arising out of work conducted during candidature may be included in the body of the thesis, or submitted as additional evidence as an appendix, on the following conditions:
they contribute to the overall theme of the work, are conceptually linked to the chapters before and after, and follow a logical sequence
they are formatted in the same way as the other chapters (i.e. not presented as reprints unless as an appendix), whether included as separate chapters or integrated into chapters
they are in the same typeface as the rest of the thesis (except for reprints included as an appendix)
published and unpublished sections of a chapter are clearly differentiated with appropriate referencing or footnotes, and
unnecessary repetition in the general introduction and conclusion, and the introductions and conclusions of each published chapter, is avoided.
b. Multi-author papers may be included within a thesis, provided:
the student is the primary author
there is a clear statement in prose for each publication at the front of each chapter, recording the percentage contribution of each author to the paper, from conceptualisation to realisation and documentation.
the publication adheres to CDU’s
Authorship of Research Output Procedure, and
each of the other authors provides permission for use of their work to be included in the thesis via this form.
c. Papers where the student is not the primary author may be included within a thesis if a clear justification for the paper’s inclusion is provided, including the circumstances relating to production of the paper and the student’s position in the list of authors. However, it is preferable to include such papers as appendices, rather than in the main body of the thesis.