HDR31 - Co-Authorship Approvals - for HDR Thesis for Examinations

In accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Policy, a student must sign a declaration that the thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text or footnotes. There are no exception to this rule.

a. Publications or significant sections of publications (whether accepted, submitted or in manuscript form) arising out of work conducted during candidature may be included in the body of the thesis, or submitted as additional evidence as an appendix, on the following conditions:

  1. they contribute to the overall theme of the work, are conceptually linked to the chapters before and after, and follow a logical sequence

  2. they are formatted in the same way as the other chapters (i.e. not presented as reprints unless as an appendix), whether included as separate chapters or integrated into chapters

  3. they are in the same typeface as the rest of the thesis (except for reprints included as an appendix)

  4. published and unpublished sections of a chapter are clearly differentiated with appropriate referencing or footnotes, and

  5. unnecessary repetition in the general introduction and conclusion, and the introductions and conclusions of each published chapter, is avoided.

b. Multi-author papers may be included within a thesis, provided:

  1. the student is the primary author

  2. there is a clear statement in prose for each publication at the front of each chapter, recording the percentage contribution of each author to the paper, from conceptualisation to realisation and documentation.

  3. the publication adheres to CDU’s Authorship of Research Output Procedure, and

  4. each of the other authors provides permission for use of their work to be included in the thesis via this form.

c. Papers where the student is not the primary author may be included within a thesis if a clear justification for the paper’s inclusion is provided, including the circumstances relating to production of the paper and the student’s position in the list of authors. However, it is preferable to include such papers as appendices, rather than in the main body of the thesis.


  • You are requried to complete 1 form for each publication

  • Please discuss the details of the form with your co-authors first - if any co-author chooses not to sign and approve the details on the form -  you will be required to submit a new form. Co-authors should only be listed on a publication IF they have made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution as defined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

  • For co-authored publications, it is therefore expected that the contribution of co-authors listed on the form would be greater than 0%, and therefore, the student would have contributed less than 100% on one or more aspects of the publication. If you feel this is not the case,  please discuss this with your supervisor,  Associate Dean of Research & Research Training or Dean of Graduate Studies.

  • All relevant answers must be completed. 

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be emailed to you, that enables you to return to complete the form.



Workflows have been enabled with this form to facilitate authorisations and signatures as follows:

  1. Candidate to complete section 1-4. Then submit the form

  2. The form will then be sent to each co-author to request approval

  3. Once all co-authors have signed, the form will be sent to the Candidate

  4. Candidate is then required to upload the completed forms to the HDR34 - Thesis Submission Declaration & Approval Form, when submitting their thesis for examination

For queries about the process, or difficulties using the form, please contact the Examination Coordinator by phone at +61 8 8946  or by email at hdrexams@cdu.edu.au

Section 1: Details of the Candidate

Section 2: Publication

This section is to be completed by the student and co-authors.

Please consult with your co-authors prior to filling out this section. After submitting the form, no further changes can be made, and any alterations will require the completion of a new form.

***Please note that a student's contribution to a co-authored publication would be expected to be less than 100% on one or more aspects of the publication - see "Guide to completing the form" above, or "Student's contribution to the publication" below for more details***

Student’s contribution to the publication 


As per the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code): "For a person to claim, demand, or accept authorship without having made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution is a breach of the Code. Similarly, it is a breach of the Code for a person to offer or attribute authorship to someone who has not made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution."

Therefore for any co-authored publications,  students would be expected to have contributed LESS THAN 100% on one more aspects of the publication listed below. See the Code for more details. If you have any concerns about this, please discuss this with your supervisor, Associate Dean of Research & Research Training or Dean of Graduate Studies.

Section 3: Co-Author Details (maximum of three only)

If there are more than four co-authors (student plus 3 others), only the three co-authors with the most significant contributions are required to sign below.

Please note: A copy of this page will be provided to the Examiners.

Please make sure the email address is correct as the form will be automatically sent here once you have submitted the form
Please leave this blank if you have no 2nd or 3rd co-author. (Do not enter NA or the like)
Please make sure this email address is correct as the form will automatically be sent here (if relevant) once the first co-author completes their section of the form
Please leave this blank if you have no 3rd co-author. (Do not enter NA or the like)
Please make sure the email address is correct as the form will automatically be sent here (if relevant) once the second co-author completes their section of the form

Section 4: Signature


Once signed, press  submit, and a notification will be sent to each co-author to request their signature of approval.

You will then receive the copy of the completed form once each co-author has signed the form. You are then required to upload each Co-author form along with your thesis submission in the HDR34 - Thesis Submission and Declaration & Approval Form.

Section 5: Co-Author 1 Approval

By signing the section below, you confirm that the details above are an accurate record of the students contribution to the work.

As per the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code): "For a person to claim, demand, or accept authorship without having made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution is a breach of the Code. Similarly, it is a breach of the Code for a person to offer or attribute authorship to someone who has not made a significant intellectual or scholarly contribution."

Therefore, for any co-authored publications, students would be expected to enter less than 100% for one or more aspects of the publication above. See the   Code  for more details.  If the student has indicated above that  they contributed 100% for all three aspects of a co-authored publication, please contact them to discuss.


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the next co-author on the publication (if relevant), or to  hdrexams@cdu.edu.au for processing.

Section 5: Co-Author 2 Approval

By signing the section below, you confirm that the details above are an accurate record of the students contribution to the work.


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to hdrexams@cdu.edu.au

Section 5: Co-Author 3 Approval

By signing the section below, you confirm that the details above are an accurate record of the students contribution to the work.


Once you click 'submit' the form will be sent to the next co-author on the publication (if relevant), or to  hdrexams@cdu.edu.au  for processing.