There are three broad application categories. In the first case, funding may be provided to allow the completion of the candidate’s substantive HDR project. In short, the funding may be provided to cover an unexpected shortfall in funding to complete the project. In the second case, funding is provided to allow for additional activities that will yield significant new research findings not anticipated when the substantive project of the HDR candidate was formulated and thirdly, for funding courses grant writing, project management, or discipline-specific analytical tools and/or techniques.
Candidates intending to apply must be up to date with all milestone requirements and be in their second year or more PTE.
This grant
cannot be used for paid publications.
Funding may not be utilised in relation to courses already available either during the HDR Research Enhancement Program or through CDU online courses and conference travel.
Candidates are only eligible for one supplementary grant worth $5,000 or multiple up to the value of $5,000
This grant can only be applied for once you run out of student allocation
To apply:
• Complete this HDR Supplementary Funding Grant Application form
• Include a detailed budget and any supporting documentation
• A PTA number must be raised
before travelling