Annual/Final Report For CDU-HREC Approved Protocols
Annual Reports are a mandatory requirement of all CDU Human Research Ethics Committee (CDU-HREC) approved projects, as set out by the NHMRC guidelines. The Principal Investigator is required to submit a satisfactory Annual Report to the CDU-HREC ahead of the anniversary of the approval date. Continuing approval is contingent on submission of a satisfactory annual progress report.
The purpose of the Annual/Final Report is to review the implementation, conduct and continuing progress of your research, to identify and advise the Committee of any changes. Researchers are required to maintain current clearance for their projects until they are completed i.e., submission for publication or thesis/dissertation. If the entire project extends beyond 5 years, a new approval is required. A Final Report including a brief summary of findings and study conclusion are required on completion of the project or when a project ceases