Human Research Ethics Committee Annual/Final Report Form

Annual/Final Report For CDU-HREC Approved Protocols

Annual Reports are a mandatory requirement of all CDU Human Research Ethics Committee (CDU-HREC) approved projects, as set out by the NHMRC guidelines. The Principal Investigator is required to submit a satisfactory Annual Report to the CDU-HREC ahead of the anniversary of the approval date. Continuing approval is contingent on submission of a satisfactory annual progress report.

The purpose of the Annual/Final Report is to review the implementation, conduct and continuing progress of your research, to identify and advise the Committee of any changes. Researchers are required to maintain current clearance for their projects until they are completed i.e., submission for publication or thesis/dissertation. If the entire project extends beyond 5 years, a new approval is required.  A Final Report including a brief summary of findings and study conclusion are required on completion of the project or when a project ceases .


  • All relevant answers must be completed. Depending on your response to a given answer, additional information may be required. You will be unable to continue until the required answers have been completed.

  • Progress on this form can be saved and completed at a later stage.

  • When selecting 'save and continue later', a link will be generated which can be emailed to you. This will allow you to return to complete the form. This will also allow you to share the form with others to complete certain parts of the form. You can then email the link to another (e.g., Student Principal Investigator), to complete/sign and submit. ( Please note : if you are a student completing this form, please ensure to include your signature before clicking 'save and continue' and generating the link to be sent to the PI to sign and submit)

  • Ensure that any supporting documentation is attached. There is an option to attach documents at the end of this form.

  • Once you submit the form,it will automatically be sent to in PDF format. A copy will also be emailed to the PI listed on the application form.

Researchers conducting research relevant to or involving First Nation peoples and communities must report on individual and community involvement (see Section Two of this form).

Please provide the following information:

** Please note: Clearance is granted for five years. An updated application may be required after this time. **

If yes, please complete Section 1 and Section 2 of this form


D.  Please answer the following questions, and attach explanatory statements where required:

If you answered NO, contact your College to discuss how your data may be stored securely.


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